Fun Wedding Officiant PA

Crazy Wedding Experiences in NJ and PA

They say expect the unexpected when it comes to your wedding ceremony in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

That statement is definitely true when it comes to weddings.  Outside of all the activity going on leading up to the ceremony, getting everyone together for the marriage license signing and the lining up for the processional is sometimes a victory in itself. Below are just some of the "special events" I have experienced as an officiant:

- Being rained on and performing the ceremony in the rain

- Having a gazebo trellis fall over mid-ceremony

- Microphone not working

- Best man forgetting the rings

- Drunk groom and cold feet

- Late arriving bride or groom and even bride and groom parents

There has yet to be a couple I haven't married.  As an officiant you need to be confident and a leader to make sure that the show must go on.